Meeting Participation
All meetings of the board are open to the public with the exception of those designated as executive or closed sessions. Closed meetings are permitted by state law when discussing:
- Salary and welfare
- Acquisition of real estate
- Court proceedings against or on behalf of the district
- Appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer
- Student disciplinary matters
Audience Participation
The Board of Education, as the representative body of the school district, wishes to provide an avenue for citizens to express their interests in the schools. Accordingly, the public is cordially invited to attend any regular, special, adjourned, or committee meeting of the board. Meetings of the board are conducted for the purpose of carrying on the business of the school district, and therefore are not public meetings, but meetings held in public.
Time shall be included on each board agenda for the hearing of suggestions or questions from the citizens of the district. The president of the board shall recognize members of the audience who wish to address the board.
Each speaker shall be given an opportunity to present, but may be limited in time by the board president. Those addressing the board shall be guided and constrained by the following conditions:
- Give your name and address and the nature of your business with the board.
- Remarks are charges by any person addressing the board which reflect adversely on the character or motives of a person. These comments are out of order and should be presented in writing to the superintendent.
- The board or superintendent may question the speaker or comment on the statement made.
- Presentations by individuals may be referred to committee or administration for further review, and action may be made at a following meeting.
The superintendent shall communicate the board's action, if any, to citizens who make proposals or requests.
Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the president or by any three members of the board. By law, the board must post notice and the agenda of any special board meeting 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Any business conducted is strictly limited to the items of the posted agenda, including comments by the public.